Company of heros 3 dow3 pre-order skinpack
Company of heros 3 dow3 pre-order skinpack

company of heros 3 dow3 pre-order skinpack

Only thing you can do to save the game at this point is to make warbonds (cosmetic stuff) grindable and focus on all the other issues like lack of maps, bugs and balance. its such a no brainer to make a better game, will result in more money, (A fact that you and most other game developers these days cant seem to comprehend, which literally blows my mind). if you think about the extra players it attracts, the sequel or expansion potential etc.

company of heros 3 dow3 pre-order skinpack

These cash grabs make way less cash in the long term, and a game that is made WELL and caters to its fans and has good content and such. Its almost like you have focus groups on "how to kill a franchise," How the hell did you not learn from Dawn of war 3? Like serious id do your MD's job for free and do it 10x better. Think this is me out after 14 years of COH, im so upset and annoyed., but you guys REALLY let us all down. I paid £80 for the special edition, and you instantly want me to pay more to have access to some skins? GET A GRIP OF YOURSELVES. pretty sure it was said somewhere the first pack would be free for those who bought premium? (fraud, nice one). I literally feel like ive been scammed by some dodgy dealer at some car-trunk sale in some dark ally with an un-reassuring accent.ĪLSO. What a kick in the nuts to everyone who supported you. You didnt even give any currency or bonus for those who bought the special edition or preordered the game. You do NOT have the playerbase of Warthunder or Starcraft2, to start demanding insane prices on cosmetics on a game that was so half-arsed, with so many issues and lacking basic content. You're game in its current state is barely worth half that on its own, what a set of dethatched devs who have no idea what your community wants. and makes me look like a naïve idiot, which maybe I was.Īnd the prices on your warbonds are ******* INSANE. To be honest my friends said you would do this and wouldn't buy the game, i tried to be a loyal fan and hope they were wrong, but this just proved them 100% right. (Shows us where the real focus of the devs were) Then magically make a store without flaws.

company of heros 3 dow3 pre-order skinpack

You release half a game with a PLETHORA of issues.

Company of heros 3 dow3 pre-order skinpack