Diablo 3 reaper of souls demon hunter best skills
Diablo 3 reaper of souls demon hunter best skills

The best build for Crusader is Aegis of Valor Heaven’s Fury which unleashes powerful single-target damage with holy beams.Crusader is a tanky and tough class that can deal melee and ranged damage with two-handed swords and shields.

diablo 3 reaper of souls demon hunter best skills

  • The best build for Necromancer is Legacy of Dreams Corpse Explosion which requires specific skills to unleash powerful burst damage with corpses.
  • Necromancer is a dark magic class that uses spells, curses, and pets to control and damage enemies with poison, physical, and chill elements.
  • The best build for the Demon Hunter is the Gears of Dreadlands Hungering Arrow.
  • Demon Hunter is a ranged class with offensive and defensive skills, rocket support, and great adaptability.
  • Players of the original console Diablo III game on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 that caps out at level 60, or PC players who do not have the expansion, should instead look in the older Patch 1.0.8 Data Archive. The best builds for the Ultimate Evil Edition on the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 are found in the Patch 2.0 Data Archive.
  • This data is from level 70 Demon Hunters playing the Reaper of Souls expansion on PC or Mac, and also matches the current patch for the Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
  • All hardcore Demon Hunters regardless of elite monster kills.
  • The softcore Demon Hunters who are in the top 25% of elite monster kills.
  • The softcore Demon Hunters who are in the bottom 75% of elite monster kills.
  • diablo 3 reaper of souls demon hunter best skills

    Each set of data contains charts of three groups of Demon Hunters:.That includes farming Ancient Legendary items, running Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts in Adventure Mode, or quickly gaining Paragon Levels. The skills and runes in these charts are based on the choices of level 70 Demon Hunters using the best Demon Hunter builds for end-game content.They are calculated from data gathered on more than 6 million Diablo III characters. These are the most popular Diablo III Demon Hunter builds and skills used by level 70 Demon Hunters in Diablo III PC Patch 2.3, in the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls expansion.

    Diablo 3 reaper of souls demon hunter best skills